The Project
- Start date: October 2022
- End date: September 2025
- Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) – funding measure: “Transformation paths for sustainable universities.”
- Network: Freie Universität Berlin (FU), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE), Leuphana University Lüneburg, University of Tübingen.
- Network coordination: University of Tübingen
The KuNaH joint project was launched in October 2022 as part of the BMBF funding guideline “Transformation Paths for Sustainable Universities”. It deals with the question of what a culture of sustainability at universities can look like and how it can be promoted and further developed as part of an overall institutional approach. A culture of sustainability is understood as the lived practice of sustainability in relation to formal and informal processes of shaping basic assumptions, goals, regulatory systems and systemic framework conditions.
- What features and areas of tension characterize a culture of sustainability at universities?
- How do real-world experiments in collaborative learning processes at universities contribute to a culture of sustainability?
- Which starting points promote or hinder the transformation processes for a culture of sustainability in relation to research, teaching and transfer in the sense of an overall institutional approach?
Network partners
The five partner universities of the network are characterized by their respective specific structures and prerequisites with regard to the implementation of sustainable development, which form the basis for the development of possible transformation paths.
Presentation of the KdN Hub from 25.04.24 (based on DUZ Wissenschaft & Management, 02/2024)
KuNaH guest article in DUZ Wissenschaft & Management, 02/2024
Network coordination